Some Facts (Not Lies)
I am 21. I am Italian and Puerto Rican. My last name is of Portugese origin. I am 260 pounds. I am a high school drop out with a GED. I have 3 friends (JG, RS, JR). I am a student @ ECC (no name community college). I am not homosexual (asked alot). I am addicted to cigarettes and Empire Earth. I've had 1 "lover" my entire life. I am a bass guitarist with 1 project in consideration. I was a "druggie" in my mid-teens.
I was arrested twice in my life, no convections.
I have one sibling. I was a roman catholic; I am agnostic right now. I havent owned a pet in almost 10 years. I do not eat any meat (expect tuna). I do not plan to live pass the age of 29.
This weeks subject: Betrayal
I will be honest with you. In the world of gaming, I tend to "role play". I will lie about silly things, but I dont intend for people to believe them.
When you know someone, in person, you can not have this practice.
Well, 1 of my 4 friends (now 3) has hurt me.
She lied to me, about many things.
Silly "white lies" mostly.....
But how can you continue a trusting friendship afterwards?
I think it is impossible.
Those whom kill once wont kill again?
Those whom steal only steal once?
I am not a cold machine. I am a human with feelings.
I am very sensative. You cant stop the lies.
I cant stop thinking of them.
So, here is 1 fourth of my heart in a nicely wrapped box.
Go bury it somewhere far from me.

Me in happier times.
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